Tap-to Mobile Forms

by Appenate Pty Ltd



Replace your paper forms, lists and documents with Tap-to, our smart client app for existing users of the Tap-To Cloud service.Easily create Forms, Docs, Lists and Tasks on the Tap-to Cloud, then access and collect data on your device.With Tap-To you can:* Cut CostsPrinting, distributing and updating paperwork is costly. Go paperless and save, without needing expensive special-purpose devices.* Save TimeSurveys, inspections, checklists and more are fast and easy with Tap-To on your phone or tablet. Stop wasting time duplicating data entry back in the office.* Boost ProductivityLeave the manuals, clipboard and camera behind with all your forms and documents on one device. Simplify your paper logistics and avoid lost paperwork.* Fill out Smarter FormsCapture GPS, photos, video, audio, barcodes and even signatures without needing IT geeks. Simply drag ‘n drop with our easy Form Designer available on our website.* Work Anywhere, AnytimeTap-To was designed to work in the middle of a hurricane, so you can keep working even when you don’t have a network connection.* Internet connection is required for first time login on the app.